Advertise in the Washington Executive

As a supplier of association goods and services, your company can benefit from advertising and sponsorship opportunities that provide direct access and visibility to associations throughout Washington State. Here’s why:

  1. Washington State associations professionals are decision makers with spending authority.
  2. WSAE members are always looking for quality vendors and suppliers.  Our members use WSAE events and publications to do their shopping.  Sponsorship and advertising with WSAE is among the quickest way to raise your profile with our membership.

Published quarterly, the Washington Executive is consistently rated as one of WSAE’s top member benefits. Association professionals in Washington State look to the Washington Executive as their resource for professional development and industry news.  View Magazine Online Archive

Rates for Camera-Ready Ads Include Color  

  • Full page member rate: $623/Regular rate: $773 
  • Half page member rate: $325/Regular rate: $427 
  • Quarter page member rate: $185/Regular rate: $268 

Ad Specifications, Details, & Options

Full Page Bleed
7.5 W x 10 H live
8 W x 10.5 H trim
8.25 W x 10.75 H bleed

Full Page No Bleed
7.5 W x 10 H

Half Page Horizontal No Bleed
7.5 W x 4.75 H

Half Page Vertical No Bleed
3.5 W x 10 H

Quarter Page No Bleed
3.5 W x 4.75 H

Editorial Calendar

Summer 2024 Issue
Content due 06/30/2024
Week of July 25, 2024

Fall 2024 Issue
Content due 09/29/2024
Week of October 20, 2024

Artwork Requirements

Ads must be submitted camera-ready (i.e. the artwork is the correct size and resolution, and is ready for publication). Ads must be saved as high resolution (300 dots per inch) pdf files. Color ads, including all embedded images, must be saved as CMYK (not RGB). Gray-scale ads, including all embedded images, must be saved as gray-scale.

We will not edit your artwork. The magazine is printed on full-color, 32-40 pages.